Disciples History

Disciples History

Bethany's Ministers

Robert Lohman

**F.E. Zendt

Willis Clark, Jr.

Win R. Matsler

Neil Pointer

*Paul McBride

Milton Ashmore

*Wayne Braden

James Simpson

*George Tolman

John Mark Moore

*Alan Abraham

Gary Gibbs

*Jim Cox

David Evans

Ursala M

*David Evans

Tom Goebel

*Dr. Caryn Yoast

Jeanette Larson

* Denotes interim Ministry

1957 - 1959

1960 - 1964


1966 - 1967

1967 - 1979

1979 - 1980

1980 - 1982


1982 - 1989


1991 - 2000


2001 - 2005

2005 - 2006

2006 - 2012

2013 - 2015


2016 - 2021

2021 - 2022

2022 - Current

** Denotes both interim and permanent Ministry

Founding Members:

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Atkinson; Mr. & Mrs. Wade Beavers and children, David, Philip, Leslie, & Evan; B. Black; Mr. & Mrs. B. Brackeen and children, Nancy, Terry, & Jimmy; Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Briggs; Mrs. K. Brown; Mr. & Mrs. E.S. Canady; Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Carter; Mr. & Mrs. E. I. Chilton Sr.; Mr. & Mrs. E. I. Chilton Jr.; Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Cole; Mr. & Mrs. C.G. Colin; Mr. & Mrs. J. Dean; Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Dugan; Mr. & Mrs. D.L. Easley; Mr. & Mrs. J. Fargason; Mr. & Mrs. E. Fetterolf; Dorthy & Marylee Fishburn; D. Gambill; Mrs. J. Gilbert; Bill Guy; Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Hall; Mr. & Mrs. C.E. Harmon and children, Sue, Eugene, Dona, & Anita; Mr. & Mrs. B. Hill and children, Mary Ann, Milton; Mr. & Mrs. J. Ipock; Mr. & Mrs. L.P. Johnson; Mr. & Mrs. V.G. Jones and children, Debra, Brenda, Barbara & Denise; Mrs. Kelly; Mrs. Nita Keever; Mr. & Mrs. C.B. McAfee and child, Sam Jr; Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Metheny and children, James, David, Vicki, Sharon, & Steve; Ester Morgan; Miriam Morgan; Mr. & Mrs. J.D. Neff and child, Suzanne; Irene O'Brien; Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Pifer; Mr. & Mrs. A.O. Planche; Lavern Potts; Poly Ross; Mr. & Mrs. G.D. Sacks; Margaret Shank; Mr. & Mrs. J.O. Shelburne; Polly Sorrow; Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Thomas; Mr. & Mrs. A. Wilson and children, Jerry, Jimmy, & Linda; Mr. & Mrs. L.A. Witherspoon and child, Tommy; Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Witt; Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Wright; Mr. & Mrs. O.E. Yunker and child, Bill; Mr. & Mrs. H. Zimmer and child, Ronnie.

A Brief History of Our Church

Twenty-three people interested in establishing a Christian church (Disciples of Christ) here in Farmington, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs Byron Hill on September 17, 1957. The meeting was presided over by A.B. Fouts of Albuquerque, Secretary of the New Mexico Christian Mission Society. The following October 6, World Communion Sunday, forty-six people met at the Elks Lodge Hall for their first worship together, followed by the signing of a covenant that bound them according to the words:

“...Together for spiritual fellowship and service and by the love of Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, do desire to establish a New Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, here in Farmington, New Mexico.”

What was to become Bethany Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, of Farmington, New Mexico was born that World Communion Sunday.

On December 6, 1957, it was announced that Rev. Robert Lohman had been called as minister to the new congregation. In January 1958, a down payment was made to purchase ten acres of land at the end of North Butler Ave. were it now intersects with 30th Street.

With determination and sacrifice, the group grew to 135 members by Easter 1958. Meetings continued at the Elks Lodge Hall. By December 1958, loans had been committed for construction of a new Church building and classroom facility. Ground breaking was on December 14, 1958 and construction of the Church began a few days later. On Easter Sunday, March 29, 1959, the cornerstone for the new building was laid. Construction was soon completed and a dedication service was held on May 3, 1959.

Rev. Lohman resigned on August 30th, 1959 to return to T.C.U. Rev. F.E. Zendt became the pastor and served until July 1964. Rev Willis Clark Jr. was minister in 1965 and 1966, followed by Rev. Win Matsler as an interim until Rev. Neil Pointer filled the pulpit in April 1967.

Bethany’s ministry to Church family and community prospered under Rev. Pointer. Loans were being paid down and membership was growing in the Church. Couples with children came because of the vibrant youth program fostered by Re. Pointer, his wife Lavonda, Tom and Mary Dugan and Pat and Larkin Hall. Summer camping, winter adventures in Colorado’s mountains and a mission and learning trip to five states with sixteen youth in the summer of 1970 were early highlights of Rev. Pointer’s ministry.

Final payment on Church loans was made in December 1970 and a new building campaign was already underway. The new sanctuary and office complex was dedicated November 28, 1971. Church family men and women contributed many hours to detail work during the construction. Larkin Hall, an accomplished furniture maker, built the communion table, pulpits and railings for the sanctuary front.

In late 1975 a decision was made to build a larger parsonage. Property was purchased at 519 W. 24th Street in March 1976. Construction was completed in October 1976, again using considerable labor from the church family. In July 1979 the Church parking lot was finally paved.

After over twelve years of ministry at Bethany, Rev. Pointer submitted his resignation in October 1979. Rev. Paul McBride and then Rev. Milton Ashmore served until 1982, when Dr. Wayne Braden was called as interim.

Rev. James (Jim) Simpson was called and began his ministry in October 1982. With Rev. Simpson’s leadership, outgoing nature and community involvement, Bethany showed its true colors as a loving, caring and giving family of Christ. Final payment was made on all Church debt in December 1988 and time had come to again consider either a building expansion or renovation program. A study committee was appointed and finally the decision was made that a major renovation of Church facilities, including a Baptistery in the New Sanctuary should come first.

With the resignation of Rev. Simpson, Dr. George Tolman was called as an interim until Rev. John Mark Moore arrived in 1991. Rev. Moore, a graduate of Phillips Seminary and Multigeneration Disciples of Christ minister, came to use from First Christian Church in Eugene, Oregon. Completion of the renovation work planned under Rev. Simpson’s ministry was accomplished and the Church organ and choir moved to the front of the sanctuary. The parsonage was sold in 1993 with proceeds being used to partially fund the completed renovation program. In 1996 the parsonage permanent fund was established; the first of three permanent funds now existing in the Church.

Upon Rev. Moore’s retirement from active ministry in late 2000, Rev. Alan Abraham became our interim until Rev. Gary Gibbs was called in July 2001. Rev. Gibbs' folksy nature and particular sensitivity to the needs of seniors gave his ministry joy and love to many of our family. In mid 2005, Rev. Gibbs was called by a church near Dallas, Texas that was better suited geographically to his family health needs.

Rev. Jim Cox was Bethany’s interim until Rev. David Evans was called February 2006 and took the pulpit in May, 2006. Rev. Evans brought new goals, vision and dedication to Bethany. Individual Church family participation grew and several important renovations were made, including new carpeting, additions to the landscape, a new illuminated sign on Butler Ave. and replacement of the heating and cooling systems throughout. Bethany participated in outreach programs such as the Jamaica Medical Mission in January 2007 and Hurricane Recovery Mission to Lake Charles, Louisiana in June 2007.

"Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you" Deuteronomy 32:7