Christian Women's Fellowship
What is CWF
Christian Women’s Fellowship, more commonly known as CWF, is an open fellowship embracing women of Bethany Christian Church, both members and friends. An Executive Board is elected yearly, and is made up of the officers and leaders of the fellowship, to represent all women of the church. There are two monthly circles (see calendar in Upcoming Events). Location will always be the Church, unless otherwise noted and the times of these meetings are posted in the newsletter, bulletin, and monthly calendar page. If you would like more information regarding CWF, please contact one of the officers.
CWF Prayer
Unto you, O God, we give our thanks
And lift our hearts in prayer.
May your presence be with us and your love
Surround us as we work together
As women of faith.
Open our eyes to the needs of the world and
Fill our hearts with concern for all people.
Guide us that we may truly serve you,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
CWF Benediction
God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause
Your face to shine upon us; that your way may be
Known upon the earth, your saving health among
All nations, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Casserole Sale
Wow! What another great casserole, soup and bake sale for CWF. This month we made more than $900 for our outreach projects in the 2021 year. Once again, thank you to all who purchased any of the items. Your generosity to this fundraiser has been amazing and is very much appreciated!
Casserole Sale 2022
Wednesday Craft Group
Bring your craft project and join us Wednesday morning as we gather in fellowship to work on our individual projects.