2023 Stewardship Campaign
Dear Friends in Christ,
We are fortunate to belong to a wonderful church, Bethany Christian Church. We have numerous opportunities of fellowship, outreach, and means to serve God. We are blessed and believe the fundamental principle of stewardship that God own everything; we are simply managers or "stewards" acting on his behalf.
Stewardship expresses our obedience regarding everything that God has placed under our control. It is sometimes difficult to live generously with uncertainty in our world and the hate and division in our country and world at large. As Christians we are called to give an account of how we administer everything we have been given, including our time, money, abilities, wisdom, relationships and authority.
Let's continue Bethany Christian Church programs of faith and love dedicated to God to help others and manage the gifts God has entrusted to us. Let's hear God say "well done, good and faithful servants." Come and share your master's happiness.
The church has sent an estimate of giving card to members with a current address on file. Pray and consider what you can return to God's program here at Bethany. Please mail your pledge, or place it in the offering plate. We would like to conclude our stewardship program by Thanksgiving, November 24. If you did not receive a pledge card by mail, please contact our church office (bethany@sisna.com).
A "Victory" dinner will be held on Sunday, November 20th after our worship service. You can make reservations by contacting the church office.
God bless Bethany Christian Church and all its members. Let's spread God's message to everyone.
You fellow member in Christ,
Bob Grossheim
Chairman of the Stewardship Ministry.