Pentecost Special Offering
Turning Struggle Into Steadfastness
Stories of struggle are nothing new to the church.
From the persecution faced by early Christians to civil rights movements led by faith leaders, the church has found its strength in times of unrest.
The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another chapter in this long history, both nothing unique and yet entirely different.
Through it all, Disciples have been steadfast. By launching emerging congregations, they have stepped up to care for communities in need.
But they don't do it alone.
With the help of regional and general ministries, these brave leaders have been provided with facilities to conduct their outreach activities and with online educational opportunities, such as Leadership Academy.
By making a gift to the 2022 Pentecost Offering, received in most congregations on Sundays, May 29 and June 5, you can ensure that the new church movement continues to prosper in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Each year, half of these gifts go to your own region to support local new church development. The other half goes to New Church Ministry, which trains, equips, assists, and multiplies new church leaders across the United States and Canada through programs such as coaching, New Church Hacks, and Water the Plants.
Planning, nurturing, and sustaining new places or worship is part of the Disciples' vision - participation in this Special Day Offering helps this vision come to life.
Please consider giving generously.
To access additional Pentecost Offering resources, including images, videos, and stories to share, please click here.