2022 Stewardship Campaign
Dear Members of Bethany Christian Church,
Our stewardship program for 2022 is "Faithful and Generous." We are faithful by attending church and doing God's works.
Are we a faithful congregation? We have upgraded our church by recarpeting our sanctuary and replacing our old pews. We serve at Daily Bread, provide quilts for adopted children, and help numerous children attend church camp. We send money and prayers for the needy as well as for catastrophic events throughout our world. We try to be a faithful congregation, but do we individually communicate with God each day?
We are a generous congregation by renewing our commitment with God through our stewardship program at Bethany Christian Church. Let us dedicate our time, talents and financial resources to support God's programs here at Bethany.
Please read and study 1st Timothy 6:18 and 19. Then pray as you fill out your estimate of giving cards. Let's continue and expand God's good works through Bethany. Hopefully we can complete our Stewardship Program by Sunday, November 21st.
May God bless Bethany Christian Church and bless each member.
Bob Grossheim
Chairman of the Stewardship Ministry
If you would like to make a pledge to support Bethany Chrisitian Church for the 2022 year, please contact the church office.
"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." Timothy 6:18-19